Trainings Offered by Console
Console has several trainings available. Our training selection is carefully curated to ensure that the education we deliver to you is effective, evidence-based, and engaging. Review the options below then submit our Training Request Form to let us know which training(s) you are interested in.
Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR)
A one- to two-hour gatekeeper training that teaches lay and professional gatekeepers to recognize and respond positively to someone exhibiting suicide warning signs and behaviors. QPR requires instructions by a qualified trainer.
QPR Triage
This seven hour interactive course teaches you how to detect and interview people in crisis, how to determine if they are suicidal, how to assess immediate risk of suicide, as well as how to immediately reduce the risk of a suicide attempt or completion through a safety planning and referral process. For some learners, this course is a "next step" up from basic QPR Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention. Compared to basic QPR, this course is much more extensive in terms content, research, and understanding suicidal behavior, and teaches you how to assess acute risk and conduct what may be a life-saving intervention.
Suicide Risk Assessment and Management Training
This seven hour training program teaches the core competencies required of professionals responsible for the care and safety of consumers detected to be at elevated risk for suicidal self-directed violence. Following foundational lectures on epidemiology, clinical risk patterns, and the current status of suicide risk assessment, clinicians learn how to conduct a standardized, evidence-based, seven-step interview designed to elicit perceived burdensomeness, suicidal desire, intent, capability and buffers against suicide. Training includes modules on means restriction counseling, collaborative crisis safety planning, managing/monitoring risk over time, documentation, and a skills practice session.
Adult Mental Health First Aid (including population-specific models for Higher Education, Fire/EMS, Elder)
Mental Health First Aid is an eight hour course that teaches you how to help someone who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. The training helps you identify, understand, and respond to signs of addictions and mental illnesses.
Youth Mental Health First Aid
Youth Mental Health First Aid is eight hours. It is primarily designed for adults who regularly interact with young people. The course introduces common mental health challenges for youth and reviews typical adolescent development in relation to health.
safeTALK prepares you to be a suicide alert helper. In three to four hours, you will learn how to provide practical help to persons with thoughts of suicide. You will develop helping skills and feel more comfortable assisting persons with thoughts of suicide to connect with professionals and stay safe.
Suicide to Hope: A Recovery and Growth Workshop
Suicide to Hope is a seven hour face-to-face workshop for professional helpers, or those that work with lingering thoughts of suicide.
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)
The ASIST workshop is for caregivers who want to feel more comfortable, confident and competent in helping to prevent the immediate risk of suicide. ASIST is a two-day (15 hours) intensive, interactive and practice-dominated course designed to help caregivers recognize risk and learn how to intervene to prevent the immediate risk of suicide.
The Connect Suicide Postvention Program
A four hour program which helps to increase the capacity of a campus/community /organization to respond effectively to a suicide in order to prevent additional suicides. Connect Postvention training is a proactive planning tool for promoting healing and reducing risk after a suicide death.